Occupy Some Time


Who am I?

     I am a storyteller, crafting similar worlds to ours to explore difficult conversations and make sense of the world.

     My work straddles the line between prose and poetry, seeking out new ways to speak through writing with the hope that others may write back.

     I believe everyone has a story to tell, a fear to face, a reality to accept, a doubt to overcome, a delusion to displace, an ear to listen, and a natural goodness to share.

     There is a voice inside each of us with a desire to cry out amidst uncertainty, one which isn’t only spoken from the tongue, one which finds life through writing, music, film, paint, charcoal, conversation, or any other expressive form.

     We are given a voice because it’s in our nature to express, to question, to be curious, to challenge convention, and to strive for enriching experiences for the one life we’ve all been gifted.

     Fear comes from us all, and I’m determined not to let it take hold again.

     You have a voice, others are already speaking, billions have already spoken, and I aim to encourage all who listen to use their voice.

     Time is an invaluable resource, always in high demand and in short supply, so from the bottom of my heart: I am eternally grateful to have occupied yours.

– Geoffrey Dean

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