Occupy Some Time

The Sign of Oblivion

amid bare walls and lit roads,

few real thoughts unfold along

busy streets and empty souls,

shambling husks moving to and fro

shadows of their ancestors,

tears falling from progenitors

and still they walk for miles

past meticulous mercantile

selling, consuming, benign

and then emerged a sign, a sign.

doubt lingers

along these streets

from empty husks forced to think

about the sign, the sign.

The Sign of Oblivion.

with nothing known to cling

crowds emerge for meaning

no context, word, nor cypher,

only husks forced to confer

arguments and seminar,

debates held long and far,

recklessly their thoughts converge and

different conclusions emerge

the blissful city torn in two

unable to understand truth.

doubt lingers

along these streets

from empty husks forced to think

about the sign, the sign,

The Sign of Oblivion.

dichotomies ensue abundantly

two sides emerge reactively

fighting against recognition,

now conscious of new positions,

peace believed for generations

put to the test with new ambitions

the ugly truth defined

between the two opposing minds

as neither side understands the sign

the sign, the sign, the sign.

hate, war, love and peace

dances along these begotten streets

from empty husks forced to think

about the sign, the sign

The Sign of Oblivion.

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